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October 07, 2015

Fiction work out

www.fictionworkout.com There is a new emphasis on writing faster, smarter...........and learning to do it in a direct motion. Saving time and money. You still turn your imagination loose ... call up the muse.

This new language will help.

People have said there is nothing new under the sun, but language is constantly changing. So lets break it down, make it our own and write better stories.

That's what I've been doing for six years.

People don't have the time to do what I did.  I Studied creative writing night and day. Mostly I help people who are better writer's than me. Not that I'm so smart and brilliant like they tell me but I put in the time and read and try to learn from the best. What a great day for information. But not every great writer is a great teacher.

I took a James Patterson course. It was inspiring and an honor but he could not teach every point of great writing and he could not meet with every student.

The writer needs to learn, study and never stop. Geography is a word I learned to spell by learning a rhyme. That was a long time ago. But I still remember.

Structure your novel
Beginning Middle  End


Structure sixty or seventy scenes
Beginning middle End


Georges Cousin Dances Every Trendy Dance Artfully

Join the party?  This technique is not always taught so straight forward. But that's all changing.

There are no rules to writing in a stream of consciousnesses. But every discipline has rules. You can bend them and break them but never completely forsake them.

Rule number one. Get to know your protagonist. And give her a GOAL.

Here is where planning can produce a better story. There is an
uncountable number of goals. Remember George's Cousin? " C " is for Conflict, guess what George's stands for...

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